kailey terracciano
(kay·lee turr·ah·chee·ah·no)
1. a human centered designer based in NYC
2. a dog lover with not one, but two dogs
3. a self-taught artist who aspires to create comics
her background
Kailey graduated from the University of Washington's Human Centered Design and Engineering program in June 2021. She has had internship experience at technology companies and design agencies, and is currently a Junior designer at ConcentricLife.
her design process 💡
human centered design begins with empathy. to understand and solve problems creatively through an iterative process.
in her free time...
Kailey likes to spend her free time playing video games, drawing, bullet journaling, and more!
feel free to say hi!
Kailey is always looking for new design friends and trends, feel free to message her on her socials to say hello.